ASPPA Benefits Council of Greater Philadelphia is a local chapter of ASPPA, the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries.

The mission of the ASPPA Benefits Council of Greater Philadelphia is to provide affordable, local educational and networking events for our members. With the help of our corporate sponsors and direct affiliation with ASPPA National, we attract speakers who are industry specialists to help keep our members informed about current developments impacting employer-sponsored retirement plans. Our networking events enable members to interact with one another and our corporate sponsors in a professional but relaxed environment. We have a diverse membership base consisting of retirement plan professionals in all plan administration roles including: Third Party Administrators, ERISA attorneys, CPAs, actuaries, investment advisors, wholesalers, and others.

Ethics Lunch

  • 17 Sep 2015
  • 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Top of the Tower, 51st Floor / Three Logan Square / 1717 Arch Street / Philadelphia, PA 19103


Registration is closed



The subject of ethics is not quickly mastered. It is a "continuous process." Consistent with this reality, the session will examine ethical dilemmas in general, explain how ethics is good for business, describe ways to build an ethical culture in one's firm, and will introduce the application of ethics to the common business tool of "e-mail." Finally, no ethics discussion is complete without the opportunity to consider and discuss "real life" retirement business dilemmas. A sample of such situations will be outlined and an interactive discussion will follow. 

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