ASPPA Benefits Council of Greater Philadelphia is a local chapter of ASPPA, the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries.

The mission of the ASPPA Benefits Council of Greater Philadelphia is to provide affordable, local educational and networking events for our members. With the help of our corporate sponsors and direct affiliation with ASPPA National, we attract speakers who are industry specialists to help keep our members informed about current developments impacting employer-sponsored retirement plans. Our networking events enable members to interact with one another and our corporate sponsors in a professional but relaxed environment. We have a diverse membership base consisting of retirement plan professionals in all plan administration roles including: Third Party Administrators, ERISA attorneys, CPAs, actuaries, investment advisors, wholesalers, and others.

Breakfast Seminar: IRS Compliance

  • 28 Sep 2017
  • 7:30 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Sky Philadelphia, 1717 Arch Street, Philadelphia - Room 51W


Registration is closed

Voluntary Correction Program and Update on Significant Developments in Employee Benefits

This program will discuss best practices and proper procedures to remedy benefit plan errors through the Internal Revenue Service's Employee Plans Compliance Resolution System (EPCRS). We will explain the correction process and potential pitfalls often encountered in correcting plan mistakes and outline how to address these issues based on real-world experiences. We will address how to avoid steep penalties by identifying and voluntarily correcting problems before an IRS audit. We will also explain which errors qualify for the VCP streamlined process, and which require full correction under EPCRS. This program will provide you with the tools to navigate these programs.

The program will also provide an update on recent legal developments in the employee benefits arena.

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