ASPPA Benefits Council of Greater Philadelphia is a local chapter of ASPPA, the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries.

The mission of the ASPPA Benefits Council of Greater Philadelphia is to provide affordable, local educational and networking events for our members. With the help of our corporate sponsors and direct affiliation with ASPPA National, we attract speakers who are industry specialists to help keep our members informed about current developments impacting employer-sponsored retirement plans. Our networking events enable members to interact with one another and our corporate sponsors in a professional but relaxed environment. We have a diverse membership base consisting of retirement plan professionals in all plan administration roles including: Third Party Administrators, ERISA attorneys, CPAs, actuaries, investment advisors, wholesalers, and others.

Virtual Roundtable: Developing an Engaging Internship Program

  • 28 Feb 2024
  • 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM


Registration is closed

Virtual Roundtable: Developing an Engaging Internship Program

Experiencing staffing shortages? Challenged with recruiting experienced professionals? A well planned internship program and recruitment through local colleges will introduce new recruits to our industry and enhance your company growth plans. 

College careers fairs present excellent opportunities to hire interns who ideally become employees upon graduation.  Join us for a brainstorming session to help your company create a solid internship program to attract the best recruits. 

If you already have an internship program in place, please join us to share your experience.

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